
The EAAS REST API will allow an application to retrieve entropy from the Real Random EAAS Server. The API requires authentication and one must first obtain an OAuth2 ID and secret in order to access the api.

There are three main areas of the api:

  1. Authentication – Using the OAuth2 ID and Secret, obtain a token to access the EAAS Server
  2. Get Entropy – Retrieve an Entropy JSON object from the EAAS Server
  3. Publish Entropy – Publish Entropy to the EAAS Server


url: https://auth.realrandom.co/o/token/

request type: POST

data: grant-type=client_credentials

returns: JSON formatted text containing bearer token

example: curl -s -X POST -u “id:secret” -d “grant-type=client_credentials” https://auth.realrandom.co/o/token/

Get Entropy

url: https://api.realrandom.co/api/entropy/

request type: GET

header fields:

authorization: Bearer access-token

content-type: application/json

returns: JSON formatted text containing entropy

Publish Entropy